

In the era of digital, mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT), enterprises have more opportunities to leverage real-time updates, shared information and anytime-anywhere access for business efficiency. We can build web applications on top of your current systems to improve data visibility, process effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

Business enablement

Across various business functions such as CRM, MIS, HRM, document management, and administration, we build, integrate and maintain enterprise applications.

Analytics & dashboards

We build custom dashboard — for web and mobile — presenting information gathered from various sources in a meaningful way.

Application development & maintenance

Based on your business need, we build both standalone applications and bolt-ons for Oracle/SAP, including web portals and websites.

Business enablement

We implement and maintain enterprise applications across various business functions.

Customer Relationship Management


Human Resource Management

Document Management

Analytics and dashboards

We build end-to-end multi-dimensional, social-like capabilities in dashboards for the right people to see the right report at the right time.

Analytics integrations


Application development and maintenance

We build end-to-end web applications for various business functions across the enterprise.

Websites and portals

Our customers