## 0.5.3 (28 November 2021) ### Fixes - Updated overlay for unsafe area in Safari (#528) - Fixed performance in large projects due to memory leak in loader (#537) ## 0.5.2 (19 November 2021) ### Features - Added support for WDS v4 `client.webSocketURL` (#529) ### Fixes - Fixed lost module context due to interceptor by always using regular functions (#531) - Relaxed peer dependency requirement on `react-refresh` (#534) ## 0.5.1 (15 September 2021) ### Fixes - Relaxed peer dependency requirement on `type-fest` to allow v2.x (#507, #508) ### Internal - Fixed typos in README (#509) ## 0.5.0 (14 September 2021) ### BREAKING - While most of the public API did not change, we've re-written a large chunk of the runtime code to support a wider range of use cases. This is likely to provide more stability, but if `0.4.x` works in your setup but `0.5.x` doesn't, please file us an issue - we would love to address it! - The `disableRefreshCheck` option have been removed (#285). It has long been effect-less and deprecated since `0.3.x`. - The `overlay.useLegacyWDSSockets` have been removed (#498). It is aimed to support WDS below `3.6.0` (published in June 2019), but looking at current usage and download stats, we've decided it is best to drop support for the old socket format moving forward. - Handling of port `0` have been removed (#337). - `html-entities` have been bumped to `2.x` (#321). - `react-refresh` have been bumped to `0.10.0` (#353). ### Features - Added WDS v4 support with new socket defaults through Webpack config (#241, #286, #392, #413, #479) - Added the `overlay.sockProtocol` option (#242) - Added monorepo compatibility via the the `library` option (#273) - Rewritten URL handling using WHATWG `URL` APIs with automatic pony-filling (#278, #332, #378) - Rewritten Webpack 5 compatibility using new APIs and hooks (#319, #372, #434, #483) - Rewritten refresh runtime to be fully module system aware (#337, #461, #482, #492) - Rewritten Webpack 4 and 5 checks using feature detection on compiler (#415) - Added support for `experiments.topLevelAwait` (#435, #447, #493) - Added retry logic when socket initialisation fails (#446) ### Fixes - Relaxed peer dependency requirement on `type-fest` (#257, c02018a, #484) - Relaxed requirement on the `overlay` option to accept relative paths (#284) - Patched unstable initialisation of global scope across module boundaries (#290, #369, #464, #505) - Patched quote escaping in injected runtime code (#306) - Invalidate updates outside of Refresh boundary for consistency (#307) - Properly throw when an ambiguous entrypoint is received while using Webpack 4 (#320) - Fixed overlay script source detection for WDS when no `src` is found (#331) - Fixed possible Stack Overflow through self-referencing (#370, #380) - Relaxed errors on HMR not found to not crash JS parsing (#371) - Ensure overlay code won't run if disabled (#374) - Relaxed peer dependency requirement on `@types/webpack` (#414) - Fixed compiler error overlay crashes when messages are empty (#462) - Swapped `ansi-html` to `ansi-html-community` to fix ReDoS vulnerability (#501) ### Internal - More stable testing infrastructure (#234) - Run tests by default on Webpack 5 (#440) - Rewrite documentation and fix outstanding issues (#283, #291, #311, #376, #480, #497, #499) - Added documentation on community plugins: `react-refresh-typescript` and `swc` (#248, fbe1f27, #450) ## 0.4.3 (2 November 2020) ### Fixes - Fixed Yarn 2 PnP compatibility with absolute `react-refresh/runtime` imports (#230) - Fixed Webpack 5 compatibility by requiring `__webpack_require__` (#233) - Fixed IE 11 compatibility in socket code (4033e6af) - Relaxed peer dependency requirement for `react-refresh` to allow `0.9.x` (747c19ba) ## 0.4.2 (3 September 2020) ### Fixes - Patched loader to use with Node.js global `fetch` polyfills (#193) - Patched default `include` and `exclude` options to be case-insensitive (#194) ## 0.4.1 (28 July 2020) ### Fixes - Fixed accidental use of testing alias `webpack.next` in published plugin code (#167) ## 0.4.0 (28 July 2020) ### BREAKING - Minimum required Node.js version have been bumped to 10 as Node.js 8 is EOL now. - Minimum required Webpack version is now `v4.43.0` or later as we adopted the new `module.hot.invalidate` API (#89). The new API enabled us to bail out of the HMR loop less frequently and provide a better experience. If you really cannot upgrade, you can stay on `0.3.3` for the time being. - While most of our public API did not change, this release is closer to a rewrite than a refactor. A lot of files have moved to provide easier access for advanced users and frameworks (#122). You can check the difference in the PR to see what have moved and where they are now. - The `useLegacyWDSSockets` option is now scoped under the `overlay` option (#153). ### Features - Adopted the `module.hot.invalidate()` API, which means we will now bail out less often (#89) - Attach runtime on Webpack's global scope instead of `window`, making the plugin platform-agnostic (#102) - Added stable support for **Webpack 5** and beta support for **Module Federation** (#123, #132, #164) - Socket integration URL detection via `document.currentScript` (#133) - Relaxed requirements for "required" `overlay` options to receive `false` as value (#154) - Prefixed all errors thrown by the plugin (#161) - Eliminated use of soon-to-be-deprecated `lodash.debounce` package (#163) ### Fixes - Fixed circular references for `__react_refresh_error_overlay__` and `__react_refresh_utils` (#116) - Fixed IE11 compatibility (#106, #121) - Rearranged directories to provide more ergonomic imports (#122) - Fixed issues with Babel/ESLint/Flow regarding loader ordering and runtime cleanup (#129, #140) - Correctly detecting the HMR plugin (#130, #160) - Fixed unwanted injection of error overlay in non-browser environment (#146) - Scoped the `useLegacyWDSSockets` options under `overlay` to reflect its true use (#153) - Fixed non-preserved relative ordering of Webpack entries (#165) ### Internal - Full HMR test suite - we are confident the plugin works! (#93, #96) - Unit tests for all plugin-related Node.js code (#127) ## 0.3.3 (29 May 2020) ### Fixes - Removed unrecoverable React errors check and its corresponding bail out logic on hot dispose (#104) ## 0.3.2 (22 May 2020) ### Fixes - Fixed error in overlay when stack trace is unavailable (#91) - Fixed IE11 compatibility (#98) ## 0.3.1 (11 May 2020) ### Fixes - Relaxed peer dependency requirements for `webpack-plugin-serve` ## 0.3.0 (10 May 2020) ### BREAKING - Deprecated the `disableRefreshCheck` flag (#60) ### Features - Added custom error overlay support (#44) - Added example project to use TypeScript without usual Babel settings (#46) - Added custom socket parameters for WDS (#52) - Added TypeScript definition files (#65) - Added stricter options validation rules (#62) - Added option to configure socket runtime to support more hot integrations (#64) - Added support for `webpack-plugin-serve` (#74) ### Fixes - Fixed non-dismissible overlay for build warnings (#57) - Fixed electron compatibility (#58) - Fixed optional peer dependencies to be truly optional (#59) - Fixed compatibility issues caused by `node-url` (#61) - Removed check for `react` import for compatibility (#69) ## 0.2.0 (2 March 2020) ### Features - Added `webpack-hot-middleware` support (#23) ### Fixes - Fixed dependency on a global `this` variable to better support web workers (#29) ## 0.1.3 (19 December 2019) ### Fixes - Fixed runtime template injection when the `runtimeChunks` optimization is used in Webpack (#26) ## 0.1.2 (18 December 2019) ### Fixes - Fixed caching of Webpack loader to significantly improve performance (#22) ## 0.1.1 (13 December 2019) ### Fixes - Fixed usage of WDS SockJS fallback (#17) ## 0.1.0 (7 December 2019) - Initial public release