# Changes to PostCSS Color Hex Alpha ### 8.0.1 (December 16, 2021) - Changed: now uses `postcss-value-parser` for parsing. - Updated: documentation ### 8.0.0 (September 22, 2021) - Updated: PostCSS Values Parser to v8 (major). - Added missing `dist` to bundle. - Added missing `exports` to `package.json` - Added missing `types` to `package.json` - Added bundling & testing as prepublish step. ### 7.0.0 (January 12, 2021) - Updated: Support for PostCSS v8+ ### 6.0.0 (April 25, 2020) - Updated: `postcss` to 7.0.27 (patch). - Updated: `postcss-values-parser` to 3.2.0 (major). - Updated: Node support to 10.0.0 (major). - Updated: Feature to use new percentage syntax. - Removed: Support for the removed `gray()` function. ### 5.0.3 (March 30, 2019) - Fixed: Issue with SVG hashes being interpretted as hex colors - Updated: `postcss` to 7.0.14 (patch) - Updated: `postcss-values-parser` to 2.0.1 (patch) ### 5.0.2 (September 18, 2018) - Updated: PostCSS Values Parser 2 (patch for this project) ### 5.0.1 (September 18, 2018) - Fixed: Issue correclty calculating each channel ### 5.0.0 (September 18, 2018) - Initial version ### 4.0.0 (September 17, 2018) - Updated: Support for PostCSS v7+ - Updated: Support for Node v6+ - Updated: color v3+ ### 3.0.0 (May 15, 2017) - Added: compatibility with postcss v6.x - Updated dependencies ### 2.0.0 (September 8, 2015) - Added: compatibility with postcss v5.x - Removed: compatiblity with postcss v4.x ### 1.3.0 (August 13, 2015) - Added: compatibility with postcss v4.1.x ([#3](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-color-hex-alpha/pull/3)) ### 1.1.0 (November 25, 2014) - Enhanced exceptions ### 1.0.0 - (October 4, 2014) Initial release from [postcss-color](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-color)