getFoo() ->doBar( $this->getX() // no comma here ->doY() // this is still the first method argument ->doZ() // this is still the first method argument ); } $var = myFunction( $foo, $bar ); // phpcs:set PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature allowMultipleArguments false fputs( STDOUT, "Examples: $ {$app} , --all $ {$app} --all", $something ); $array = array(); array_map( function($x) { return trim($x, $y); }, $foo, $array ); $bar = new stdClass( 4, /* thanks */ 5, /* PSR-2 */ 6 ); function doSomething() { return $this->getFoo() ->doBar( $this->getX() // no comma here ->doY() // this is still the first method argument ->doZ() // this is still the first method argument ); } doError( 404, // status code 'Not Found', // error name 'Check your id' // fix ); // phpcs:set PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature allowMultipleArguments true // Don't report errors for closing braces. Leave that to other sniffs. foo( [ 'this', 'is', 'an', 'array' ], [ 'this', 'is', 'an', 'array' ], array( 'this', 'is', 'an', 'array' ), array( 'this', 'is', 'an', 'array' ), function($x) { echo 'wee'; return trim($x); } ); function foo() { myFunction( 'string'. // comment // comment 'string'. /* comment * comment */ 'string' ); } // phpcs:set PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature requiredSpacesAfterOpen 1 // phpcs:set PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature requiredSpacesBeforeClose 1 test( $arg, $arg2 ); test( $arg, $arg2 ); test( $arg, $arg2 ); test(); test(); test(); // phpcs:set PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature requiredSpacesAfterOpen 0 // phpcs:set PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature requiredSpacesBeforeClose 0 ?>
  • log(// ... 'error', sprintf( 'Message: %s', isset($e->getData()['object']['evidence_details']) ? $e->getData()['object']['evidence_details']['due_by'] : '' ), array($e->getData()['object']) ); ?>
    $class ] ); ?>
    function ($x) { return true; }, 'baz' => false ) ); $qux = array_filter( $quux, function ($x) { return $x; } ); array_filter( [1, 2], function ($i) : bool { return $i === 0; } ); foo( array( 'callback' => function () { $foo = 'foo'; return; }, ) ); foo( $a, /* $c, $d, */ $e ); test( 1,2,3,4 ); class Test { public function getInstance() { return new static( 'arg', 'foo' ); } public function getSelf() { return new self( 'a','b', 'c' ); } } $x = $var( 'y', 'x' ); $obj->{$x}( 1, 2 ); return (function ($a, $b) { return function ($c, $d) use ($a, $b) { echo $a, $b, $c, $d; }; })( 'a','b' )( 'c', 'd' ); class Foo { public function bar($a, $b) { if (!$a || !$b) { return; } (new stdClass())->a = $a; } } return (function ($a, $b) { return function ($c, $d) use ($a, $b) { echo $a, $b, $c, $d; }; })('a','b')('c','d'); function foo() { Bar( function () { } ); } $deprecated_functions = [ 'the_category_ID' => function_call( // 7 spaces, not 8. This is the problem line. $a, $b ), ]; $deprecated_functions = [ 'the_category_ID' => function_call( // 9 spaces, not 8. This is the problem line. $a, $b ), ]; // phpcs:set PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature allowMultipleArguments false printf( '', $obj->getName(), // Trailing comment. $obj->getID(), // phpcs:ignore Standard.Category.SniffName -- for reasons. $option ); // Handling of PHP 7.3 trailing comma's. functionCall($args, $foo,); functionCall( $args, $foo, ); functionCall( $args, $foo, ); // phpcs:set PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature allowMultipleArguments true $this->foo( ['a','b'], true ); $this->foo( // Comment ['a','b'], true ); function m() { $t = ' ' . (empty(true) ? ' ' . f( '1', '2', ) . ' ' : ''); } class C { public function m() { $a = []; $t = "SELECT * FROM t WHERE f IN(" . implode( ",", $a ) . ")"; } } $notices = array( 'index' => sprintf( translation_function('a text string with %s placeholder'), 'replacement' ), ); $componentType = $this->componentTypeRepository->findByType($this->identifier) ?: $this->componentTypeFactory->createForType( $this->identifier, $this->className, true, $this->isPrototypal ); return [ 'export-path' => 'exports/database/' . env( 'APP_CUSTOMER', 'not-configured' ) . '/' . env( 'APP_IDENTIFIER', 'not-configured' ), ]; $methods .= str_replace( array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $methodTemplate ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . str_repeat(' ', 4); $rangeValues['min'] = $this->adjustLowerThreshold( $this->normalizeRatingForFilter($rangeValues['min']) ); $salesOrderThresholdTransfer->fromArray($salesOrderThresholdEntity->toArray(), true) ->setSalesOrderThresholdValue( $this->mapSalesOrderThresholdValueTransfer($salesOrderThresholdTransfer, $salesOrderThresholdEntity) )->setCurrency( (new CurrencyTransfer())->fromArray($salesOrderThresholdEntity->getCurrency()->toArray(), true) )->setStore( (new StoreTransfer())->fromArray($salesOrderThresholdEntity->getStore()->toArray(), true) ); return trim( preg_replace_callback( // sprintf replaces IGNORED_CHARS multiple times: for %s as well as %1$s (argument numbering) // /[%s]*([^%1$s]+)/ results in /[IGNORED_CHARS]*([^IGNORED_CHARS]+)/ sprintf('/[%s]*([^%1$s]+)/', self::IGNORED_CHARS), function (array $term) use ($mode): string { // query pieces have to bigger than one char, otherwise they are too expensive for the search if (mb_strlen($term[1], 'UTF-8') > 1) { // in boolean search mode '' (empty) means OR, '-' means NOT return sprintf('%s%s ', $mode === 'AND' ? '+' : '', self::extractUmlauts($term[1])); } return ''; }, $search ) ); $a = ['a' => function ($b) { return $b; }]; $a['a'](1);