* v1.12.0 * added PHP 7.4 polyfill * v1.11.0 * fixed support for IDN with trailing dot * added missing polyfill for `JsonException` * v1.10.0 * added polyfill for `idn_to_ascii()` and `idn_to_utf8()` * added polyfill for intl's `MessageFormatter` * prevented DoS via long passwords when using `hash_pbkdf2()` polyfill * duplicated `mb_ord()`, `mb_chr()` and `mb_scrub()` polyfills in the `php72` one * v1.9.0 * added polyfill for `hrtime()` * added polyfills for `array_key_first()` and `array_key_last()` * fixed infinite loop in `iconv()` polyfill when using translit mode * fixed converting to title case with mbstring polyfill * v1.8.0 * added PHP 7.3 polyfill * added polyfills for `ctype_*` functions * v1.7.0 * added logic to new stream functions on Windows (sapi_windows_vt100_support) * added polyfills for mb_*_numericentity * made translit/ignore flags order-insensitive * v1.6.0 * add `SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface` in PHP 7.0 polyfill * fixed loading of Apcu polyfill when Zend Server's Data Cache is used * v1.5.0 * added polyfill for spl_object_id() * fixed apcu function when apc ones are polyfilled with Zend Server's Data Cache * added `PHP_OS_FAMILY` polyfill * v1.4.0 * added PHP 7.2 polyfill * v1.3.1 * added missing validation to mb_convert_case() * added missing PHP_INT_MIN constant * fixed iconv_substr(): Detected an illegal character in input string * provided APCUIterator for APCu 4.x users * v1.3.0 * added polyfill for `is_iterable()` * added polyfills for `mb_chr()`, `mb_ord()` and `mb_scrub()` * added support for PHP 7.1 * silenced `iconv_strlen()` in `mb_strlen()` polyfill * bypassed iconv for some charsets in mb_strlen * fixed `mb_convert_variables()` poylfill * v1.2.0 * bug #61 Normalizer::decompose() should reorder "recursive" combining chars (nicolas-grekas) * bug #59 Normalizer::recompose() should reset the last combining class on ASCII (nicolas-grekas) * bug #59 Normalizer::isNormalized() should fail with Normalizer::NONE (nicolas-grekas) * bug #59 Normalizer::isNormalized() and ::normalize() should check for multibyte string function overload (nicolas-grekas) * feature #44/#53 allow paragonie/random_compat 2.0 (ickbinhier) * feature #51 Use plain PHP for data maps to benefit from OPcache on PHP 5.6+ (nicolas-grekas) * bug #49 Fix hex2bin return null (fuhry, binwiederhier) * v1.1.1 * bug #40 [Apcu] Load APCUIterator only when APCIterator exists (nicolas-grekas) * bug #37 [Iconv] Fix wrong use in bootstrap.php (tucksaun) * bug #31 Fix class_uses polyfill (WouterJ) * v1.1.0 * feature #22 [APCu] A new polyfill for the legacy APC users (nicolas-grekas) * bug #28 [Php70] Workaround https://bugs.php.net/63206 (nicolas-grekas) * v1.0.1 * bug #14 ldap_escape does not encode leading/trailing spaces. (ChadSikorra) * bug #17 Fix #16 - gzopen() / gzopen64() - 32 bit builds of Ubuntu 14.04 (fisharebest) * v1.0.0 * Hello symfony/polyfill